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        Issues during Foundation training

You may find it helpful to read the GMC guidance Welcomed and Valued which provides advice and guidance on how doctors at all levels of their career should be accommodated.  In particular, Chapter 5: Transition from medical school to Foundation training may be helpful prior to the start of FY1 and Chapter 6: How can Postgraduate training organisations apply their duties? may be of interest once you have commenced this year. 


If this is not being followed then please feel free to report this via the contact us section choosing 'Feedback regarding foundation training'.  If you have had any particularly good experiences then please feel free to use this form to report this too


Do you want to inform the GMC of your concerns regarding Foundation Training? Refer to our GMC Guidance and Advice page for further help



You may also find our glossary of Who’s who in a Postgraduate Deanery useful when trying to find out who to contact about various issues you are having.  Obviously, these roles may vary regionally so may not exactly represent the structure of your particular deanery.  Despite this, we hope it provides some help.













Other links you may find informative are:





It is also worth noting that, in Foundation Training, your Responsible Officer is the Post Graduate Dean of your particular deanery.  Whilst your Clinical Supervisor, Educational Supervisor and Training Program Director should be your primary contacts if you experience and difficulties during your Foundation Training, if they are unable to satisfactorily address/resolve issues for you, you should escalate to the Post Graduate Dean as your Responsible Officer to provide any additional support. 




Who's Who in a Postgraduate Deanery

Be a a copy of our leaflet here to pass to someone who you think may benefit from our services

If you wish to give us feedback on the content of any of our web pages then please go to the contact us section and choose the feedback subject which is most appropriate for your comments

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