'Supporting the welfare, rights and inclusion of chronically ill and physically disabled doctors and medical students'
What to do in the event of a new diagnosis
If you receive a significant diagnosis as a medical student or doctor (at any stage of your career), it can be overwhelming and very difficult to know what to do in terms of your career. We suggest using the following advice as a guide in such circumstances as to what steps you should take:
New significant diagnosis
If not already taken, arrange to take some time off studies/work by speaking to your own GP. Seek the support of your GP regarding how you feel you are coping, any questions you may have, etc. Inform your medical school/employer/HR via the usual sick leave reporting procedure.
Spend time with family/personal support network coming to terms with the news and it’s implications. Refer to the link to medical advice/support groups for sources of information/support to facilitate this.
Medical Student Training doctor Non-training post/post CCT
Inform your medical Request a meeting with your TPD, Inform HR at your trust/line
school via your personal Clinical/educational supervisor to discuss manager and discuss need for OH
tutor/sub-dean. Discuss your diagnosis, implications for future and review and your current needs
needs now, future implications your current needs. Also the need for plus future implications
and need for OH review OH review.
Refer to Occupational Health (OH) section for advice on what to ask/how to prepare for OH review
If career advice is needed Discuss with your TPD/Royal College/ Discuss with Royal College/GMC if
contact University careers foundation school lead/deanery school lead unable to continue in practice/
service and consider their regarding advice on career progression current speciality and needing
pastoral support/counselling and choices if needed. Local Training advice regarding this. LTEB may
services for additional support. and Education Board (LTEB) may also be also be able to help.
Specific medical school career able to help with this.
advice may be available from
Institute of Medical Education
or Director of Student Education
or similar. The student office
at your school should be able to
advise you who to contact.

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