'Supporting the welfare, rights and inclusion of chronically ill and physically disabled doctors and medical students'
Issues when moving posts regularly
You are likely to be moving post every 4-6 months in the foundation years. This can prove challenging when you require adjustments in the workplace due to a disability or adjustment in working hours. You may find the section on Occupational Health helpful in making these transitions easier. Other advice we would offer:

Meet with your foundation program lead/educational supervisor at the start of foundation training to discuss your condition with them and make them aware of difficulties you may face as a result of this and what adjustments may be needed
Ask your foundation school lead/educational supervisor to ensure all clinical supervisors of all posts are made aware of your condition and the implications of this prior to you starting their post. Also for your clinical supervisor to be allocated in plenty of time to allow this to happen
Try to have a named contact in Human Resources and discuss your job plan/rota commitments with them
Seek occupational health review well in advance of starting your foundation scheme and request a letter which states your condition, implications of this and what adjustments may be required as a result
Make sure you keep a copy of all occupational health letters/assessments/reports
Contact your clinical supervisor for an upcoming post around a month in advance of the post starting and arrange a face to face meeting with them if possible to discuss adjustments needed and ideally walk around your new working environment with them to assess any access challenges, etc that you may face so that these can be addressed prior to your first shift
Make available to all new clinical supervisors any relevant and useful occupational health documents from previous assessments. Discuss with your clinical supervisor what you want/do not want disseminating to the rest of the team
If you experience any difficulties/barriers during a post, especially if these may impact upon your ability to gain required competencies or undertake assessments, inform your supervisors of this as early in the post as possible so they can be rectified to minimise the impact upon your progression through training as much as possible. Informing people at the end of a post is of limited usefulness and may not leave enough time to complete assessments, etc